Will President Trump Be Impeached?


Active Member
Dont forget that the democrats do not have one single shred of "evidence" thats needed to impeach the President, its all speculation and "hear say", neither of which are acceptable in any court of law....Overall, the Presidents popularity has even risen amongst the US electorate during this dissident display of nonsense from the democrats (y):D..
correct me if you perceive me to have said to be logically incorrect.

everything by definition is hersay; the only difference are the credibility of the hersay. republicans in the senate limited the number of witness's. Lied about what the democrats that were recorded saying x Ironically, said. most replublicans in the senate and congress have jerrymongered many of the ballets in their states and have repeditly claimed the democrats version of medicare was bad yet later recorded to champion the same thing as their idea in the age of trump while dismissing that the democrates implemented those idea's already which is proven on .gov websites. oil companies partially fund and perpetuate republican media outlets and republicans running for congress and the senate, which is an indicator of why republicans in the congress and the senate deny global warming is real else most of their funding would be withdrawn which is what motivates many politiitons. Many republicans are homophobic, racist, anti abortion, anti-transgender; while I like limited government, while the problem of desease isn't solved, perpetuated ignorance, global warming, human ignorance, lack of star trek matter converters that convert x into food and water, and multi planet colonization, I support democrats because seemingly they are the only ones who aren't liars or ignorant people who are willing with enough public support to solve the problems listed above.
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Active Member
I think everybody needs to prepare themselves for the possibility that seditious members of the Senate will move to change the procedure during the trial such that votes are cast in secret. If that happens, the democrats and their neocon allies will remove Trump. We are witnessing a seditious plot to overthrow the democratically elected government of the United States. This is much worse than people realize, and it doesn't get better if only the Senate votes the House to BTFO.

The Constitution clearly states that a president can only be impeached and tried in the Senate for a conviction of a crime. They spent two years digging through this man's life to find evidence of any crime that they can charge and convict him of just so that they could make this viable. Amazingly, they failed to find evidence of anything, and I cannot imagine any past president in living memory actually getting through that corrupt process without a single charge of a crime.

This entire farce is not merely a farce, but a very real attempt to overthrow your government.
there was allot of evidence, for example, trump was recorded to have told coen to coherse stormy daniels.
in addition trumps lawers were meeting with russians who reported to Vladimer Putin, and after trump visited russia.
trumps son talked to the lawers and the russians and set up the meeting.
trump told the fbi director to do x for him and when he did not removed him because of no recorded mistake that the fbi director made.
I forget the rest.

also, appointed somebody as head of the justice department that would do what he wanted, therefore every recomendation by the justice department about empeaching him is bias.

in addition, trump stole the pension fund for workers at a casino that later closed down and got away with it by burying the other side in law suits.
He is corrupt and recieved around 450 million from his father and most of his enteprizes became busts; He was once a democrat but because a republican because he thought he had a better chance of winning running as a republican.
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Active Member
trump was recorded saying to Cohen to coherse stormy daniels and you can find the recording online. how is that propoganda? you can find the court case on a government website and trump is recorded saying he wants people who are loyal to him. Its not suprising that the justice deparement recomended what it recomended.

you can argue its a deepstate which is possible but republicans in the senate and congress gerrymongered districts to favor their reilections which you can clearly see on .gov websites and have denied it. Isn't that a type of deepstate in of itself? You can call something propoganda but the burden of proof is one you to prove accurate and audiquate proof to disprove the proof I provided.

please correct me if you think anything that is said is logically incorrect.
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trump was recorded, and you can find the recording online. how is that propoganda?
I wouldn't believe it anyway. I seriously doubt you heard the full recording. It's probably being used as propaganda because of being taken out of context. If that's not true, it could also be an edited video. The left-wing mainstream media does a lot of that. It would be insane to trust them.


Active Member
I wouldn't believe it anyway. I seriously doubt you heard the full recording. It's probably being used as propaganda because of being taken out of context. If that's not true, it could also be an edited video. The left-wing mainstream media does a lot of that. It would be insane to trust them.


Active Member
@dimension-1hacker - Why? Because they're incredibly biased to the left and always using propaganda, taking things out of context, and twisting the truth. To put it bluntly, they're very dishonest.
The right is dishonest too. I cant begin to count how many replican congressmen and senitors lied about things they were recorded saying or lied about policies they were pushing.
You could argue the recording are doctored on liberal media outlets but the same could apply to republican media outlets by definition.
Audio and Visual Coverage - Congress.gov Resources - Congress.gov Resources
don't watch any of the outlets get recordings from the source.


@dimension-1hacker - Please don't drill me with questions. Do your own research, but be aware that sources like CNN and MSNBC are riddled with communism and socialism. Try not to be one of those ignorant sheeple. Listen to Rush Limbaugh, or at least some more FOX News, which is on the lighter side. And I'd take your claims about the right-wingers with a grain of salt.
